Unofficial Avengers/JLA Index |
Cover Date: January 2004
Cover Price: $5.95
Publication Date: 2004-03-31
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Cover Credits:
Art: George Pérez (signed)
Colors: Tom Smith
Story | Kurt Busiek |
Art | George Pérez |
Colors | Tom Smith |
Lettering | Comicraft |
Assistant editing | Andy Schmidt, Marc Sumerak |
Associate editing | Stephen Wacker |
Editing | Mike Carlin, Dan Raspler, Tom Brevoort |
Feature Character(s):
- JLA:
- Aquaman (next in ???)
- Atom II (next in ???)
- Batman (next in ???)
- Flash III (last in issue #2; next in ???)
- Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner; last in issue #2; next in ???)
- Martian Manhunter (next in ???)
- Plastic Man (last in issue #2; next in ???)
- Superman (next in ???)
- Wonder Woman (next in ???)
- Avengers:
- Captain America
- Iron Man
- Scarlet Witch
- Thor
- Vision
- Wasp
- Yellowjacket
Supporting Character(s):
- Metron (next in ???)
- Kismet (last in issue #2; next in ???)
- Spectre II (next in ???)
- Snapper Carr (next in Identity Crisis #1)
- Eternity
- Grandmaster
- Krona (next, behind the scenes, in JLA #107)
- Amazo (last/next in ???)
- Black Adam (last/next in ???)
- Black Spider I (last in Superman/Batman #3; next in Identity Crisis #2)
- Blockbuster (last in Crisis on Infinite Earths #10; next in Legends #3)
- Captain Cold (last in Superman/Batman #3; next in Flash Vol. 2 #207)
- Cavalier II (last in Joker: Last Laugh #5; next in Justice League of America Vol. 2 #2)
- Cheetah (last/next in ???)
- Clock King (moved forward in time; last in Action Comics #760; next in flashback preceding Suicide Squad Vol. 2 #1)
- Deathstroke (last/next in ???)
- Doctor Light III (last in JLA #59; next in flashback in Teen Titans Vol. 3 #21)
- Doctor Polaris (last in Power Company #14; next in Action Comics #827)
- Extremists:
- Doctor Diehard (last/next in ???)
- Dreamslayer (last/next in ???)
- Gorgon (last/next in ???)
- Lord Havok (last/next in ???)
- Tracer (last/next in ???)
- Felix Faust (last in JLA: Black Baptism #4; next in JLA Secret Files 2004)
- General (last in JLA #40; next in JSA #77)
- H.I.V.E. (last in Titans #12; next in Teen Titans/Outsiders Secret Files 2005/3)
- Heat Wave (last/next in ???)
- I.Q. (last in Starman Vol. 2 #75; next in 52 #23)
- Ibac (last in ???; next in Villains United #5)
- Killer Frost II (last/next in ???)
- Kobra Cult
- Parademons
- Prometheus III (last/next in ???)
- Queen Bee (last in JLA #40; next in flashback in Firestorm Vol. 3 #17)
- Royal Flush Gang:
- Ace of Spades IV (last in Adventures of Superman #520; next in Justice League of America Vol. 2 #17)
- Jack of Spades II (last in Starman Vol. 2 #29; next in Booster Gold Vol. 2 #1,000,000)
- King of Spades II (last in JLA #59; next in Infinite Crisis #2)
- Queen of Spades II (last in Starman Vol. 2 #29; next in Booster Gold Vol. 2 #1,000,000)
- Ten of Spades II (last in Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #175; next in Justice League of America Vol. 2 #21)
- Shadow Thief (last/next in ???)
- Sinestro (last/next in ???)
- Star Sapphire (last/next in ???)
- Wizard (last in JSA: All Stars #8; next in Villains United #2)
- Xotar (last/next in ???)
- Abomination
- Absorbing Man
- A.I.M.
- Attuma
- Awesome Android
- Baron Zemo
- Batroc
- Blastaar
- Blood Brothers
- Boomerang
- Conquest
- Constrictor
- Controller
- Count Nefaria
- Crimson Dynamo
- Crossbones
- Dr. Arthur Nagan
- Dragon Man
- Executioner
- Firebrand
- Grim Reaper
- Hobgoblin
- Humanoids
- Hydra
- Hyperion
- Jack O'Lantern
- Juggernaut
- Klaw
- Lava Men
- Machete
- Madame Masque
- Man-Ape
- Melter
- Molecule Man
- Moloids
- Moonstone
- N'Astirh
- Nebula
- Orka
- Radioactive Man
- Razor Fist
- Red Skull
- Rhino
- Ronan the Accuser
- Scorpion
- Screaming Mimi
- Seth
- Shocker
- Shockwave
- Solarr
- Stilt-Man
- Surtur
- Taskmaster
- Tumbler
- Tyrak
- Whiplash
- Whirlwind
- Wrecking Crew:
- Thunderball
- Piledriver
- Bulldozer
- Wrecker
- X-Ray
- Zaran
- Zodiac:
- Leo
- Cancer
- Taurus
Guest Appearance(s):
- Adam Strange (last in ???; next in Identity Crisis #1)
- Amazing-Man II (last/next in ???)
- Animal Man (last in Hawkman Vol. 4 #17; next in Identity Crisis #1)
- Aztek (last/next in ???)
- Big Barda (last/next in ???)
- Black Canary II (last in issue #2; next in ???)
- Black Condor II (next in Identity Crisis #1)
- Bloodwynd (last in JLA: Incarnations #7; next in Superman/Batman #56)
- Blue Devil (last in ???; next in Day of Vengeance #1)
- Blue Jay (last in Justice League Europe #50; next in Action Comics #842)
- Captain Atom (last in issue #2; next in ???)
- Captain Marvel (last/next in ???)
- Creeper (last/next in ???)
- Crimson Fox (last/next in ???)
- Doctor Fate IV (last/next in ???)
- Doctor Light IV (next in Identity Crisis #1)
- Elongated Man (last in Formerly Known as the Justice League #6; next in JLA: Classified #4)
- Faith (last/next in ???)
- Fire (last/next in ???)
- Firestorm (last in issue #2; next in ???)
- Flash I (last/next in ???)
- Flash II (last/next in ???)
- Green Arrow (last in issue #2; next in ???)
- Green Lantern (Hal Jordan; last/next in ???)
- Gypsy (last/next in ???)
- Hawkman (last in issue #2; next in ???)
- Huntress II (last/next in ???)
- Ice (last/next in ???)
- Ice Maiden (last in Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #175; next in JSA: Classified #19)
- Kilowog (last/next in ???)
- Lightray (last/next in ???)
- Major Disaster (in between JLA #89 and #90)
- Manitou Raven (last in JLA #89; next in Aquaman Vol. 6 #12)
- Maxima (last/next in ???)
- Mighty Bruce (last/next in ???)
- Mister Miracle II (last in ???; next in Identity Crisis #1)
- Moon Maiden (last in JLA 80-Page Giant #3; last appearance)
- Obsidian (in between JSA #52 and #54)
- Orion (last/next in ???)
- Power Girl (last/next in ???)
- Ray II (last in JSA #51; next in Identity Crisis #1)
- Red Tornado II (last in issue #2; (next in Identity Crisis #1)
- Rocket Red (last in ???; next in Identity Crisis #1)
- Silver Sorceress (last in Justice League Europe #35; see Comments)
- Tasmanian Devil (last in Justice League America #96; next in Identity Crisis #1)
- Tomorrow Woman (last/next in ???)
- Triumph (last/next in ???)
- Vibe (last/next in ???)
- Wonder Woman III (last/next in ???)
- Yazz (last/next in ???)
- Zatanna (last in issue #2; next in ???)
- Zauriel (last in ???; next in Day of Vengeance #1)
- Ant-Man
- Beast
- Black Knight
- Black Panther
- Black Widow
- Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell)
- Captain Marvel (Monica Rambeau)
- Crystal
- Deathcry
- Doctor Druid
- Falcon
- Firebird
- Firestar
- Hawkeye
- Hercules
- Hulk
- Human Torch
- Jack of Hearts
- Jocasta
- Justice
- Living Lightning
- Machine Man
- Magdalene
- Marrina
- Quasar
- Quicksilver
- Rage
- Sandman
- Sersi
- She-Hulk
- Silverclaw
- Spider-Woman
- Stingray
- Sub-Mariner
- Swordsman
- Tigra
- Triathlon
- War Machine
- Warbird
- Whizzer
- Wonder Man
- At some point before her death, Silver Sorceress is pulled forward in time temporarily.