 Unofficial Superman/Batman Index

Superman/Batman 3


Cover Date: December 2003
Cover Price: $2.95


Cover Credits:
Pencils: Ed McGuinness
Inks: Dexter Vines
Colors: Dave Stewart

Story: "The World's Finest Part Three: Running Wild" (22 Pages)


StoryJeph Loeb
PencilsEd McGuinness
InksDexter Vines
ColorsDave Stewart
LetteringRichard Starkings
Consulting editingMatt Idelson
Associate editingTom Palmer, Jr.
EditingEddie Berganza

Feature Character(s):


Supporting Character(s):

Lois Lane
Vice President Pete Ross
Amanda Waller (last in JLA #84)


President Lex Luthor
Major Force (last in Superman/Batman Secret Files 2003)
Silver Banshee (last in ???; next in Action Comics #820)
Mister Freeze (last in Gotham Central #11; next in Hawkman Vol. 4 #22)
Icicle II (last in JSA: All Stars #1; next in JSA: Classified #5)
Captain Cold (last in Flash Vol. 2 #206; next in Avengers/JLA #4)
Killer Frost II (last in ???; next in Superman Secret Files and Origins 2004)
Mongul II (last in ???; next in Infinite Crisis #1)
Solomon Grundy
Lady Shiva
Nightshade (possibly a new character? doesn't look like Eve Eden)
Gorilla Grodd (last in Outsiders Vol. 3 #3; next in Flash Vol. 2 #208)
Brimstone (last in Justice League Task Force #30)
Weather Wizard (last, behind the scenes, in Flash Vol. 2 #201; next in Flash Vol. 2 #207)
Mirror Master III (in between Flash Vol. 2 #195 and #207)
Cheetah II (not in continuity for this character)
King Shark (last in Adventures of Superman #608)
Doctor Spectro (last in Formerly Known as the Justice League #3; next in Action Comics #810)
Black Manta (last in Aquaman Vol. 6 #12; next in Villains United #1)
Black Spider I (last in Young Justice #51; next in Avengers/JLA #4)
Giganta (last in Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #185; next in Flash Vol. 2 #219)
numerous others shown only in silhouette

Guest Appearance(s):

Captain Atom
Starfire III
Black Lightning
Green Lantern (John Stewart)
Power Girl


Continues from the previous issue and continues in the next issue


While President Luthor tries, in a television interview conducted by Lois Lane, to convince the American populace of the danger posed by the approaching asteroid, and of Superman's connection with it, Batman and Superman think it is time to bring the fight to Luthor directly. But their way to the White House is barred by a multitude of villains, some there under the mental control of Grodd, but others trying to collect the billion dollar reward for taking Superman in. Captain Atom and his squad of heroes arrive on the scene and help eliminate the villains the world's finest team have not yet dealt with, but announce that they, too, are there to arrest the two heroes.