Created by Jack Kirby

Mister Miracle (Scott Free).png
Mister Miracle (Scott Free)


Mister Miracle first appeared in Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #1 (March-April 1971).

Below is the definitive list of appearances of Mister Miracle in chronological order. Flashback sequences or story entries will be followed by a [Flashback] note. Stories that for some reason are no longer part of current continuity will have a comment saying this in a note following the entry.

Follow the links for a complete index of the issue, including story and creator info as well as full character chronology and in some cases story synopses.

The chronology list can also be sorted according to Comic book title. Please note: If you want to go back to the chronological listing after having used the sorting tool you have to reload the page.

To go to the Mister Miracle (Scott Free) biography click here.

Mister Miracle Chronology

Click to list by alphabetically by title
New Gods Vol. 1 #7 (February-March 1972): "The Pact"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #5/2 (November-December 1971): "Young Scott Free"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #6/2 (January-February 1972): "Young Scott Free"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #7/2 (March-April 1972): "Young Scott Free"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #9 (July-August 1972): "Himon"
Jack Kirby's Fourth World #6/2 (August 1997): "Young Scott Free"
Jack Kirby's Fourth World #7/2 (September 1997): "Go West Young God"
Jack Kirby's Fourth World #8/2 (October 1997): "Tumbleweeds"
Blood of the Demon #10 (February 2006): "New Gods and Old Monsters"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #1 (March-April 1971): "Murder Missile Trap"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #2 (May-June 1971): "X-Pit"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #3 (July-August 1971): "The Paranoid Pill"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #4 (September-October 1971): "The Closing Jaws of Death"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #5 (November-December 1971): "Murder Machine"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #6 (January-February 1972): "Funky Flashman"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #7 (March-April 1972): "Apokolips Trap"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #8 (May-June 1972): "The Battle of the Id"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #10 (September-October 1972): "The Mister Miracle to Be"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #11 (November-December 1972): "The Greatest Show Off Earth"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #12 (January-February 1973): "Mystivac"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #13 (March-April 1973): "The Dictator's Dungeon"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #14 (June-July 1973): "The Quick and the Dead"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #15 (August-September 1973): "The Secret Gun"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #16 (October-November 1973): "Shilo Norman, Super-Trouble"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #17 (December 1973-January 1974): "Murder Lodge"
Brave and the Bold #112 (April-May 1974): "The Impossible Escape"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #18 (February-March 1974): "Wild, Wild Wedding Guests"
Brave and the Bold #128 (July 1976): "Death by the Ounce"
1st Issue Special #13 (April 1976): "Lest Night Fall Forever"
Brave and the Bold #138 (November 1977): "Mile High Tombstone"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #19 (September 1977): "It's All In the Mine"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #20 (October 1977): "Eclipse"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #21 (December 1977): "Command Performance"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #22 (February 1978): "Midnight of the Gods"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #23 (April 1978): "As Ethos Is My Judge"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #24 (June 1978): "Double-Bind"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #25 (September 1978): "Doom Unto Others"
DC Comics Presents #12 (August 1979): "Winner Take Metropolis"
Justice League of America #183 (October 1980): "Crisis on New Genesis, or Where Have All the New Gods Gone?"
Justice League of America #184 (November 1980): "Crisis Between Two Earths, or Apokolips Now"
Justice League of America #185 (December 1980): "Crisis on Apokolips, or Darkseid Rising"
Mister Miracle Special #1 (1987): "No Escape From Destiny!!!"
Justice League #1 (May 1987): "Born Again"
Justice League #2 (June 1987): "Make War No More!"
Justice League #3 (July 1987): "Meltdown"
Justice League #4 (August 1987): "Winning Hand"
Justice League Annual #1 (September 1987): "Germ Warfare"
Action Comics #593 (October 1987): "The Suicide Snare"
Fury of Firestorm #63 (September 1987): "Rogue Hero"
Fury of Firestorm #64 (October 1987): "Through the Gauntlet"
Firestorm, the Nuclear Man Annual #5 (1987): "Ground Zero"
Justice League #5 (September 1987): "Gray Life Gray Dreams"
Justice League #6 (October 1987): "Massacre in Gray"
Justice League International Vol. 1 #7 (November 1987): "Justice League... International!"
Doctor Fate Vol. 1 #3 (September 1987): "Strangers"
Booster Gold #22 (November 1987): "Tortured Options"
Justice League International Vol. 1 #8 (December 1987): "Moving Day"
Millennium #1 (January 1988): "Over"
Flash Vol. 2 #8 (January 1988): "Purple Haze" [Appearance same as Millennium #1]
Firestorm, the Nuclear Man Vol. 1 #67 (January 1988): "Dialogues" [Appearance same as Millennium #1]
Justice League International Vol. 1 #9 (January 1988): "Seeing Red"
Blue Beetle Vol. 2 #20 (January 1988): "Iran Scam" [Behind the scenes]
Millennium #3 (January 1988): "Back"
Green Lantern Corps #220 (January 1988): "Sacred Identities"
Millennium #4 (January 1988): "Forth"
Secret Origins Vol. 2 #23 (February 1988): "The Secret Origin of the Guardians of the Universe" [Behind the scenes]
Millennium #5 (February 1988): "In"
Justice League International Vol. 1 #10/2 (February 1988): "...Back at the Ranch"
Millennium #6 (February 1988): "Out"
Blue Beetle Vol. 2 #21 (February 1988): "If This Works, It'll Be a Miracle"
Millennium #7 (February 1988): "Down"
Millennium #8 (February 1988): "The Rising and Advancing of Ten Spirits"
Firestorm, the Nuclear Man Vol. 1 #69 (March 1988): "Back in the U.S.S.R."
Blue Beetle Vol. 2 #22 (March 1988): "A Question of Time!"
Justice League International Vol. 1 #11 (March 1988): "Constructions!"
Justice League International Vol. 1 #12 (April 1988): "Who Is Maxwell Lord?"
Justice League America Annual #9 (1995): "Justice League Year One: In 30 Seconds" [Note: Takes place in between panels of Justice League International Vol. 1 #12]
Justice League International Vol. 1 #13 (May 1988): "Collision Course"
Suicide Squad Vol. 1 #13 (May 1988): "Battle Lines"
Martian Manhunter Vol. 1 #1 (May 1988): "Fever Dream"
Martian Manhunter Vol. 1 #2 (June 1988): "Burning Bright"
Martian Manhunter Vol. 1 #4 (August 1988): "Welcome Home"
Captain Atom #16 (June 1988): "The Big Blowout"
Captain Atom #17 (July 1988): "Battle Beyond the Green"
Captain Atom #20 (October 1988): "The Silver Age"
DC Bonus Book #7 (October 1988): "Raising the Roof!" [Note: Came as an insert in Justice League International Vol. 1 #18]
Justice League International Vol. 1 #14 (June 1988): "Shop ...Or Die"
Justice League International Annual Vol. 1 #2 (1988): "Hit Or Miss!"
Justice League International Vol. 1 #15 (July 1988): "Gnort and South!"
Justice League International Vol. 1 #16 (August 1988): "Bialya, My Bialya"
Justice League International Vol. 1 #17 (September 1988): "Only the Dead Know Bialya!"
Justice League International Vol. 1 #18 (October 1988): "Where No League Has Gone Before!"
Justice League International Vol. 1 #19 (November 1988): "No More Mr. Nice-Guy!"
Justice League International Vol. 1 #20 (December 1988): "If It's Tuesday, This Must Be Apokolips!"
Justice League International Vol. 1 #21 (winter 1988): "Apokolips... Wow!"
Justice League International Vol. 1 #22 (Holiday 1988): "Little Murders"
Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #25 (Holiday 1988): "The Burning School"
Captain Atom #24 (Holiday 1988): "War-Day"
Invasion! #2 (1988): "Battleground Earth"
Captain Atom #25 (January 1989): "Slow Burn"
Justice League International Vol. 1 #23 (January 1989): "Gross Injustice"
Invasion! #3 (1989): "World Without Heroes"
Justice League International Vol. 1 #24/2 (February 1989): "Across a Crowded Room..."
Justice League International Vol. 1 #25 (April 1989): "Repossessions"
Blasters Special #1 (1989): [No Title]
Captain Atom #26 (February 1989): "Captain Atom: Exposed!"
Captain Atom #27 (March 1989): "Truth and Consequences"
Captain Atom #28 (April 1989): "Final Conflict"
Sandman Vol. 2 #5 (May 1989): "Passengers"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #1 (January 1989): "Be It Ever So Humble"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #2 (February 1989): "Doctor's Orders"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #3 (March 1989): "Father's Day"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #4 (May 1989): "Dark Days"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #5 (June 1989): "Out of the Dark!"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #7 (August 1989): "Just Another Day!"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #8 (September 1989): "With an Ivo Here, an Ivo There, an Ivo, Ivo, Everywhere!!"
Justice League America #27 (June 1989): "Mindsnap"
Justice League America #29 (August 1989): "Nabu in My Mind"
Justice League America #30 (September 1989): "Teenage Biker Mega-Death!"
Justice League International Annual Vol. 1 #3 (1989): "Around the World with the Justice League"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #9 (October 1989): "Hero is a Four Letter Word"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #10 (November 1989): "This Town Isn't Big Enough for Both of Us!"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #6 (July 1989): "Barking Up the Wrong Tree"
Justice League America #31 (October 1989): "Crossed Wires!"
Justice League Europe #7 (October 1989): "Teasdale Unbound!"
Justice League America #32 (November 1989): "Breaking Point!"
Justice League Europe #8 (November 1989): "Showdown..."
Doom Patrol Vol. 2 #29 (January 1990): "The Kingdom of No"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #11 (December 1989): "'What? And Give Up Show Business?"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #12 (January 1990): "Head of the Clash"
Justice League America #35 (February 1990): "Lifeboat"
Time Masters #1 (February 1990): "Time Won't Let Me"
Justice League America #36 (March 1990): "Gnort By Gnortwest"
Justice League International Special #1 (1990): "The Show Must Go On... And On... And On... And On"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #13 (March 1990): "A Fine Kettle of Fish"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #14 (April 1990): "Eating Pain"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #15 (May 1990): "Power Fantasy"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #16 (June 1990): "The Sewer Sticks"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #17 (July 1990): "Fury Hath No Females Like Apokolips"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #18 (August 1990): "Apokolips Then and Now"
Justice League America #42 (September 1990): "Solicitations"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #19 (September 1990): "Mutants"
New Gods Vol. 2 #18 (July 1990): "Life Infinite"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #20 (October 1990): "How Can I Say 'You're Missing' If You Can't GO AWAY?"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #21 (November 1990): "Movin' Day!"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #22 (December 1990): "Passing the Miracle"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #23 (January 1991): "A Tale of Two Miracles"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #24 (February 1991): "The Lump That Came to Campus"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #25 (March 1991): "Bad N' Beautiful: The Babes of Bodyslam!"
Justice League America #47 (February 1991): [Glory-Bound, Part 2] "General Glory Fights Again!"
Justice League America #48 (March 1991): [Glory-Bound, Part 3] "The Last Giant Nazi Robot Story!"
Justice League America #49 (April 1991): "Glory-Bound, Part 4: Glory and Shame"
Justice League America #50 (May 1991): [Glory-Bound, Part 5] "A Blaze of Glory!"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #26 (April 1991): "Food for Villainy"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #27 (May 1991): "Party Up!"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #28 (June 1991): "God-Spawn"
Justice League Quarterly #3 (summer 1991): "When You Wish..."
War of the Gods #4 (December 1991): "In the Beginning... There Was the End"
Superman Vol. 2 #65 (March 1992): [10] "Panic in the Sky! Second Strike: Head Man"
Adventures of Superman #488 (March 1992): [11] "Panic in the Sky! Third Strike: Counter Strike!"
Action Comics #675 (March 1992): [12] "Panic in the Sky! Fourth Strike: Divide and Conquer"
Superman: The Man of Steel #10 (April 1992): [13] "Panic in the Sky! Fifth Strike: Tidal Wave!"
Superman Vol. 2 #66 (April 1992): [14] "Panic in the Sky! Final Strike: Our Army at War"
Adventures of Superman #489 (April 1992): [15] "Panic in the Sky! Epilogue: Hail the Conquering Heroes"
Justice League Europe #47 (February 1993): "Red Winter 3: Blizzard"
Justice League Europe #48 (March 1993): "Red Winter 4: The Freeze"
Justice League Europe #49 (April 1993): "Red Winter 5: Hard Ground"
Justice League Europe #50 (May 1993): "Red Winter 6: The Ice Breaks"
Superman: The Man of Steel #20 (February 1993): [5] "Funeral for a Friend Part 3: Funeral Day"
Eclipso #16 (February 1994): "Fallout"
Eclipso #17 (March 1994): "Big Game"
Eclipso #18 (April 1994): "Works of Darkness"
Zero Hour: Crisis in Time #3 (September 1994): "Zero Hour"
Zero Hour: Crisis in Time #1 (September 1994): "Zero Hour"
Justice League America #96 (February 1995): "Rush to Judgment"
Action Comics #708 (March 1995): [12] "Moving Miracles!"
Superman: The Man of Steel #43 (April 1995): [13] "--Deathtrap!"
Guy Gardner: Warrior #29 (March 1995): "It's My Party and I'll Fight If I Want To"
Mister Miracle Vol. 3 #1 (April 1996): "Stone Walls Do Not A Prison Make"
Mister Miracle Vol. 3 #2 (May 1996): "...Nor Iron Bars A Jail"
Mister Miracle Vol. 3 #3 (June 1996): "Freedom's Not Just Another Word..."
Mister Miracle Vol. 3 #4 (July 1996): "...For Everything Left to Lose"
Mister Miracle Vol. 3 #5 (August 1996): "Free, Like a Child!"
Mister Miracle Vol. 3 #6 (September 1996): "Sometimes The Only Escape"
Mister Miracle Vol. 3 #7 (October 1996): "Freedom is Blind"
Final Night #1 (November 1996): "Dusk"
Green Lantern Vol. 3 #81 (December 1996): "Funeral for a Hero"
New Gods Vol. 3 #13 (December 1996): "Night of the Falling Sky"
Action Comics #729 (January 1997): [3] "Generator X!"
Superman: The Man of Steel #64 (January 1997): [4] "Into the Fire"
New Gods Vol. 3 #14 (January 1997): "The Gathering Storm"
New Gods Vol. 3 #15 (February 1997): "Closing the Ring"
Jack Kirby's Fourth World #2 (April 1997): "A Clash of Titans"
Jack Kirby's Fourth World #3 (May 1997): "Back to the Wall"
Jack Kirby's Fourth World #4 (June 1997): "Back from the Source"
Jack Kirby's Fourth World #5 (July 1997): "A Choice of Gods"
Jack Kirby's Fourth World #6 (August 1997): "Schism"
Genesis #2 (October 1997): "Edge of Destruction"
Superman Vol. 2 #128 (October 1997): [40] "Genesis Anew"
Genesis #3 (October 1997): "Event Horizon"
Genesis #4 (October 1997): "Last God Standing"
Jack Kirby's Fourth World #10 (December 1997): "AfterMath"
Jack Kirby's Fourth World #11 (January 1998): "Fire & Ice"
Jack Kirby's Fourth World #12 (February 1998): "Wednesday's Child"
Jack Kirby's Fourth World #15 (May 1998): "Even the Least Among Us"
Jack Kirby's Fourth World #17 (July 1998): "Blood War"
Jack Kirby's Fourth World #19 (September 1998): "Genesis Rising"
JLA #24 (December 1998): "Executive Action"
Day of Judgment #1 (November 1999): "The Summoning"
Day of Judgment #2 (November 1999): "Lost Souls"
Day of Judgment #3 (November 1999): "Choosing Sides"
Day of Judgment #5 (November 1999): "Soul Search"
JLA/Titans #2 (January 1999): "The Generation Gap"
JLA/Titans #3 (February 1999): "All in the Family"
JLA #27 (March 1999): "The Bigger They Come..."
JLA #34 (October 1999): "The Ant and the Avalanche"
JLA #36 (December 1999): "World War Three, Part 1"
JLA #38 (February 2000): "World War Three, Part 3"
JLA #39 (March 2000): "World War Three, Part 4"
JLA #40 (April 2000): "World War Three, Part 5"
JLA #41 (May 2000): "World War Three, Part 6: Mageddon"
Orion #5 (October 2000): "Day of Wrath"
Justice Leagues: Justice League of Arkham #1 (March 2001): "Justice Leagues, Part IV: Taking Over the Asylum"
Orion #13 (June 2001): "The Ordering of Earth!"
Orion #15 (August 2001): "At the Edge of the Abyss!"
Orion #16 (September 2001): "The Abyssmal Plane!"
Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #175 (December 2001): "The Witch and the Warrior, part 2: Girl Frenzy"
Orion #25 (June 2002): "Children of the Pact!"
Action Comics #802 (June 2003): "The Harvest, Part One"
Avengers/JLA #4 (January 2004): "The Brave and the Bold"
Identity Crisis #1 (August 2004): "Coffin"
Identity Crisis #4 (November 2004): "Who Benefits"
Identity Crisis #7 (February 2005): "The Hero's Life"
JLA #120 (early December 2005): "Requiem for a League"
Birds of Prey #109 (October 2007): "Stone Cold Knockout"
Justice League Wedding Special #1 (November 2007): "Unlimited, Chapter 1: Injustice League"
Green Arrow/Black Canary Wedding Special #1 (November 2007): "And They Said It Wouldn't Last"
Death of the New Gods #1 (early December 2007): "So Begins... the End"
Death of the New Gods #2 (late December 2007): "Celestial Genocide"
Death of the New Gods #3 (January 2008): "Armageddon Tarantella"
Death of the New Gods #4 (February 2008): "Bearing Witness"
Death of the New Gods #5 (March 2008): "Mistakes"
Death of the New Gods #6 (April 2008): "Sacrifice"
Death of the New Gods #7 (May 2008): "Seraphic Reunification"
Final Crisis #7 (March 2009): "New Heaven, New Earth"